These days, there is a wide selection of materials available for your Herndon roofing project. While most homeowners tend to focus on the appearance of a new roof, considering the local climate and then selecting the roofing that will work best in the typical weather conditions is a way to ensure your roof will be as resilient as possible.

If you work with a professional Herndon roofing contractor, he or she should be well-educated on the different types of roofing materials available and how they will withstand the various weather conditions and climates. Feel free to ask your contractor what they know about how climate and weather can impact a roof.

Whether you are working with a contractor or doing the roofing yourself, some key bits of information to consider include:

• Homes in humid regions benefit from asphalt shingles, because they can be treated with chemicals that can prevent or retard the growth of the algae, mold and mildew typical of humid climates.

• Another option for homes in humid environments is cedar shingles; cedar is known for its natural oils that prevent mold and mildew as well as for keeping away pesky and sometimes damaging insects.

• Metal roofing shingles may be the most durable for home in humid climates due to their resistance to mildew and mold and the ability to let the water roll right off the roof, without absorbing or causing roof damage. High quality metal shingles are also rust-proof.

• Homes in warmer, dryer climates benefit from a roof that resists overheating. Too much sun or heat on a roof made of inappropriate materials can result in a roof that is warped or even cracked. The best materials for roofs in high temps include a fiberglass-asphalt combo.

• Clay tiles provide another option for homes in hot climates. They do not heat-up as quickly, however, they are more fragile, so they aren’t ideal for extremely windy or stormy weather conditions.

Keep in mind that some states and regions require certain types of roofing materials, so be sure to know the guidelines and requirements in your area. When in doubt, ask a professional Herndon roofing contractor. We, at [company_name], welcome your questions on any topic related to your Northern Virginia roofing project.

Learn more about Herndon roofing contractors and Northern Virginia roofing improvement projects at