Around this time each year, my internal alarm clock goes off to begin Roofing & More’s end-of-year planning process. Almost every business across every industry is beginning to think about this process as well – gathering data from the past year, comparing it to the year before and using this information to create business plan adjustments for next year. Of course, in 2020, everything has changed, and we must now consider one more thing: coronavirus.

Our Usual Process
First, I’d like to explain what our end-of-year process normally involves. Step one entails gathering information and projections for the future in our industry. I call my contacts to find out what materials might have price increases, as well as my attorney and accountant to get insight into changing regulations or overall concerns.
Second, I look to my team for their input and ideas. I want Roofing & More to be a company that people are proud to work with, and a place that they look forward to being each day. In order to make that happen, it’s important to regularly ask these questions:
- What changes do we need to make?
- Do our systems work well and help our employees?
- How is the work-life balance?
Yes, we need to look at the numbers, but we also need to talk with our people. How can I, as the president of our company, help improve the lives of our employees?
Then it’s time to plan for next year. I gather team members from each department in a planning committee where we can brainstorm, swap ideas and ask questions. This is a group process that ultimately benefits everyone in the next year, from employees to our partners and especially customers.
When it comes to planning for 2021, much of our process has remained the same, but we must allow some room for continued adjustments due to COVID-19. As of now, I am planning the first quarter of 2021 as if it were right now – being conservative about targets in anticipation of continued concerns over the virus. Of course, the situation could improve by then, but it is okay to do better than planned! A plan doesn’t restrict your business from doing well but makes you prepared for what may come.
How Can We Help You Today?
Roofing & More welcomes the opportunity to discuss your home improvement needs. To schedule a virtual or in-home appointment, call us today at (703) 467-0206 or contact us online.
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